01 We ask…kathy freston

Follow Kathy @kathyfreston


Kathy Freston is my hero: she is a four times New York Times best-selling author, an advocate for animal rights, and vegan. But what really inspires me, is that she meets you where you are. She tells you like it is. She preaches but doesn’t judge. She wants to bring you on the journey with an open mind and heart. She is passionate and brings it to everything she does from petitioning McDonald’s to carry plant-based meat (which she did and they do) to her hilarious videos with Alana Stewart to her newest book that I already devoured, 72 Reasons to Be Vegan. Order it here.

Tell us about your life in LA. What do you love about where you live? What are you up to these days?

I love the unbelievably delish vegan restaurants here, and even the steakhouses that have vegan menus so that there's something for everyone I'm about to launch my new book, 72 Reasons to Be Vegan.

What’s your favorite condiment? Why?

Are you kidding? YOUR BBQ sauce and I'm not even joking! It makes everything amazing!

What's your favorite BBQ side?

Coleslaw with vegan mayo is the bomb.


What's the most overrated condiment/the most underrated, why?

Well, ketchup is pretty boring, but any kind of pickle does the trick for me. Are pickles condiments?!

Who is your fave insta cook follow and why?

Leslie Durso makes super easy and delish vegan food. And her videos are fun to watch!

Describe your fridge door: Perfectly organized or a chaotic mess? Is there anything in there that you don't remember buying and never use?

Oh gawd, you caught me. It's a mess. A maze every time I try to find something.. which is weird bc I'm usually so organized. + My friends from Shanghai brought a couple of sauces to cook with about 3 years ago, and they're still in there. I want to use them again, but I can't read the ingredients to figure out what they are for... They would have been in town again, but Covid lockdown thwarted their visit!

Fave takeout spot? What city?

Pizzas from Crossroads Kitchen in LA. OMG, they are to die for.

What's your favorite life hack? Any new ones?

A glass of wine at the end of the day, or a martini on the weekends is my tried and true hack - makes life lovely and festive! + Nope, I stick with what works ;)

Describe your first post-covid night out!

I sat around my friend's fire pit with 5 of our besties...we were so happy to be together in person. It was pot luck perfection!

What does pure grit mean to you?

It means that life requires a little elbow grease, but it's worth it when your heart is pure and you have good intentions:)